Prescriptions like Compazine (Prochlorperazine), Visteril (Hydroxyzine), Zofran (Ondansetron) or Phenergan (Promethazine). Over the Counter Dramamine, Meclizine, Pepto-Bismol or Benadryl. Natural route peppermint or ginger.
500mg mebendazole is a one-dose treatment for intestinal parasitic infections. Take the tablet orally. I recommend that you take it before bedtime.
I've heard that if you take deep breaths when u feel that nasiousness it helps the feeling to relax.
Perform the diagnostics (likely bloodwork and xrays) necessary to determine the cause of the illness, then recommend appropriate treatment.
Yes. The above mentioned tablet contains Clorpheniramine male-ate 4 mg to be taken 3 to 4 times/day and is safe in pregnancy. But you can take Promethazine tablet 25 mg at bed time, instead and it will act for 24 hours and will control your nausea and vomiting associated with pregnancy, as well.
No tablet will make you pregnant.
I wouldn't risk it. Food poisoning can be quite serious, sometimes even fatal if not treated properly. Also, sometimes, depending on what's causing the vomiting, it's the body's way of getting rid of the toxins causing the illness. So depending on the cause of vomiting, it's sometimes best to not take anything to stop it unless the vomiting continues more than 24 hours.
You need to take your dog to the vet, now!
You have to take certain (most) tablets with food because it helps you keep it down. For say you did not take a tablet with food and you should have it may make you nauseas, queasy, give you a stomach ache, or even vomiting can occur sometimes. Hope I answered your question
Depends on the amount of Quetiapine in the tablet. But Seroquel is relatively hard to overdose on as it is designed for people with psychotic disorders. You may end up with a sore stomach, vomiting, palpitations, dizziness etc.
There are several medicines that will stop your period, but none of them are safe to take without a doctor's advice. If you had your period started with medication, then there must have been some kind of problem where you were not having one. Please talk to your doctor and have her/him explain what you need to do.
It is advisable to take one tablet hajmola only if you are having acidity or heavy meal. Don't make it a habit to take regularly,as it would be difficult to come out of the habit and if you stop taking it, you will feel unease and problem of indigestion will occur.
Eating ibuprofen will not stop the vomiting. In fact taking the medication while vomiting will only defeat the purpose as you need to keep the pill down to digest it. Never take anything by mouth if you are throwing up. This can become very dangerous and cause you to choke, which can cause death.