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The proper noun is the word Spain, the name of the country. A person of Spain is a Spaniard, also a proper noun. People or things of or from Spain are described by the proper adjective Spanish.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

The word Spain is a noun, a proper noun; proper nouns are always capitalized. Spain is the name of a country.

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βˆ™ 6y ago

A proper noun, since it is the name of a specific place.

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Q: Proper adjective of Spain
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The proper adjective for Spain would be Spanish, as in Spanish cooking.Note that the correct term for nationals of Spain is Spaniard, but many people refer to "the Spanish" in the plural.

Is the word Spanish a proper noun?

Yes, Spanish is a proper noun, a word for the language of Spain or the people of Spain; the name of a specific language or specific people. A proper noun is always capitalized.The word 'Spanish' is also a proper adjective, a word that describes a noun as of or from Spain. A proper adjective is always capitalized.

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Spanish is the corresonding adjective to the noun Spain.

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Spanish is a proper noun, a word for the language of Spain or the people of Spain; the name of a specific language or specific people. A proper noun is always capitalized.The word 'Spanish' is also a proper adjective, a word that describes a noun as of or from Spain. A proper adjective is always capitalized.

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No, the word Spanish is a noun and an adjective.The noun 'Spanish' is a proper noun, a word for the language of Spain or the people of Spain. A proper noun is always capitalized.The adjective 'Spanish' is a proper adjective, a word that describes a noun as of or from Spain. A proper adjective is always capitalized.A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence.Example: I did well in Spanish in high school. Itwas one of my best subjects. (the pronoun 'it' takes the place of the noun 'Spanish' in the second sentence)

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