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Suprisingly, yes.

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Q: Pokemon diamond can bibarel learn surf?
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How do you get to the sixth gym leader in Pokemon diamond?

One of your Pokemon has to learn surf.

What Pokemon can learn surf in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver?

there are a lot of Pokemon that can learn surf but mostly water type Pokemon can learn surf but did you know that snorelax and rydon can lean surf

Can Palkia use fly in Pokemon diamond?

No, Palkia can only learn Cut, Surf, Strength and Rock Smash.

How do you swim in Pokemon Diamond ds?

You have to get a pokemon that can learn the hm surf and u go up to water and press A, then it will say surf, press A and swim! to get off just go to land or fly.

Can Vaporeon learn surf?

YES! It is a water Pokemon and can learn to surf.

How do you learn surf on Pokemon platinum?

Get the HM Surf then teach it to a pokemon.

What is the best hm slave for soul silver?

Bibarel he can learn waterfall, strenght, surf, rock smash, rock climb,

Slaves in Pokemon Diamond?

well if you ment by slaves hm slaves then i would recommend catching a bidoof and evolving it as bibarel can learn all but two hms.. he can learn HM 1 - Cut HM 3 - Surf HM 4 - Strength HM 6 - Rock Smash HM 7 - Waterfall HM 8 - Rock Climb

How do you surf fast on Pokemon Diamond?

You can't. There is only one speed to the "Surf" on Diamond/Pearl.

Can plusle learn surf on pokemon ruby?

No, Plusle cannot learn Surf.

Is there a Pokemon that already knows surf?

No, there is no Pokemon that can learn Surf by level up.

Can manaphy learn surf in Pokemon?

Manaphy cannot learn Surf but it can be taught it via the Surf HM.