1/3, or about 33.3%
The percent change is the difference between the final number and the original number divided by the original number. In this case, (2-3)/3=-1/3, or approximately -33.3%. The negative sign indicates that it was a percentage decrease rather than increase.
Divide 2 by 3 then multiply by 100 to change the answer into a percent. The final answer is 66 2/3%
166 2/3%
2/3=.66%... Do this by dividing 2 by 3. Easy.
the percent change is how much something has increased or decreased by in percentage. e.g: 2 --> 3 is a 50% change because it has changed by 1 and 1 is 50% of 2
66.66666666667 %
Divide 2 by 3 then multiply by 100 to change the answer into a percent. The final answer is 66 2/3%
166 2/3%
The increase is 50%.
2/3=.66%... Do this by dividing 2 by 3. Easy.
the percent change is how much something has increased or decreased by in percentage. e.g: 2 --> 3 is a 50% change because it has changed by 1 and 1 is 50% of 2
66.6766 2/3= 66 + (2 ÷ 3)= 66 + 0.67= 66.67
66.66666666667 %
Divide it, move the decimal two places to the right. 66.67 percent
0.6666... = 66 2/3 % (0.6... = 6/9 = 2/3)
2 out of 6 = 2/6 or 1/3 = 0.3333 * 100% = 33.33%
Divide 4 into 3 and solve for 2 decimal places.
150%:= 150/100 or 3/2 in fraction