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Q: People can what peacefully?
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Can you make a sentence with the word peacefully?

People have a right to demonstrate peacefully, but not to riot.

What can people do peacefully according to First amendment?

peacefully assemble!

Do people sleep peacefully in their beds at night?

Yes, many people are able to sleep peacefully in their beds at night, feeling safe and comfortable.

How can you use peacefully in a sentence?

The protesters gathered peacefully in the park to demonstrate against the new law.

Did the leaders peacefully give in to the people's demands?

Yes they did

Do people in Cuba live peacefully?

Some people do, but alot of people do not because of its past history.

What are people allowed to do when a government works against the right of the people?

Assemble peacefully and protest

When a government works against rights of people what are the people allowed to do?

Assemble peacefully and protest

What are the people allowed to do when a government works against the rights of the people?

Assemble peacefully and protest

When a government works against the rights of the people what are the people allowed to do?

Assemble peacefully and protest

Which freedom is being exercised when people meet together peacefully?


Did some people kill Pablo Picasso?

Oh no! He died peacefully.