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California law requires drivers to signal their intention to turn by electronic means or through the use of arm signals. The signal must be made in a manner in which other drivers to the rear or in front of the vehicle (within a distance of 300 feet) can clearly see the driver's intention. Turn lamps indicating the driver's intention to turn must be use continuously for at least 100 feet before executing the turn.

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14y ago

Not so sure. But i think 15 to 10 sec. are more than enough to signal before wsitching the lanes.

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When should you signal before changing lanes on a highway

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Q: On the freeway how long are you required to signal before changing lanes?
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On the freeway you are required to have your signal on for feet before changing lanes?

100 feet

On the freeway how many seconds are you required to signal before changing lanes?

7 seconds

Within how many feet before changing lanes on the freeway are you required to have your signal on?

100 feet

When changing lanes on a freeway signal your intentions and?

do not anticipate other drivers will open a gap for you to enter

On the freeway you are required to have your signal on for how may feet?

It all depends, all states have differnent laws

Is it illegal not to use a turn signal when merging onto a state highway in brokenarrow Oklahoma?

Normally you are required to signal when changing directions or changing lanes.

Drivers are required to signal a change of direction for at least?

Drivers are required to signal a change of direction for at least 100 feet before turning or changing lanes. This allows other drivers to be aware of their intention and helps prevent accidents. Remember to turn off your signal after completing the maneuver.

Are drivers in Indiana required to signal before turning?

I haven't read a driver's manual for years, but yes, as far as I know drivers in Indiana are required to signal before turning.

What should you do Before changing lanes you should?

Check your mirrors and signal your intentions.

When exiting a freeway you should signal your intention to exit?


After completing your turn and before changing lanes you should?

check blind spots and signal

How long do you have to keep your turn signal on when passing on a freeway?

As soon as you have changed lanes, you turn off your turn signal.