you cant have puppies!!!!!!!!!!!
no....I wish
No, you can't make puppies in Nintendogs. You have to buy puppies from the kennel. yes you can, you get a female dog and male dog of the same breed. Then you put a rose on the female dog and a lucky collar on the male dog. After that you play the nintendogs theme. Make sure you make your nintendogs really happy and well fed first. then save and turn it on, the next morning you should have one puppy. Try it, it worked for me and my friends!!
No it can not.
No. Because you CANT mate your dogs on Nintendogs. You can say that they are 'in love' but it is not possible for them to have puppies.
Your dog cannot have puppies, it's impossible on that game!
You can't breed in Nintendogs. They stay puppies 4ever.
go to the kennel and buy a dog that says its a young dog. anyway, the dogs are always pups.
Yes you can! but there is a catch, you have to have the same type of dog for at least 9 months and there you have it! Puppies!
You can't. Nintendogs remain as puppies forever and never age. You can, however, see the number of time you've spent with your dog.
hi umm you can sell your dog well donate your dog at the dog hotel in the bottom lefty corner it says donate a dog and yep :)
nintendogs can have puppies check on youtube you need to have 2 of the same kind of dog colour does not matter keep them together for 1 week you will see your female getting fatter after some time you will see a tiny puppy