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Vicksburg - the last Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi.

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Q: North captured what in 1863 to effectivily split the confederacy in two?
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What fortress that was captured split the Confederacy into two?


What area did the US have an advantage over the North in the Civil War?

The US had been split into the Union (North) and the Confederacy (South)

How did the union victory at Vicksburg affect confederacy?

the confederacy was split in two after it lost strongholds along the mississippi river.

Which major river split the confederacy?

the Mississippi

What river split the confederacy in two parts?


What victory split the confederacy in tow?

Battle of Vicksburg

What was the outcome of the siege of Vicksburg!?

The confederacy was split in two.

What is the name of the southern states that split from the USA?

The name of the southern states when they split was called [The] Confederacy.

What major river split confederacy into 2 parts?

The Mississippi.

Which fortress split the confederacy in two?

pretty sure its Vicksburg

What major river split the confederacy into two parts?

The Mississippi river

Fortess whose capture split the confederacy in two?

Vicksburg, Mississippi