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The formula for nitrogen monoxide is NO.

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Q: Nitrogen monoxide would have which of the following formulas?
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Nitrogen dioxide would have which of the following formulas?

The formula for nitrogen dioxide is NO2.

What Happens When Nitrogen Monoxide Mixes With Carbon Monoxide?

When nitrogen monoxide (NO) mixes with carbon monoxide (CO), it can react to form nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in the presence of oxygen. This reaction can contribute to air pollution and smog formation. Nitrogen dioxide is a harmful pollutant that can have negative effects on human health and the environment.

Can one have a dot and cross diagram of nitrogen monoxide NO?

Yes, you can create a dot and cross diagram for nitrogen monoxide (NO). In this diagram, nitrogen would have 5 dots representing its 5 valence electrons, while oxygen would have 2 crosses representing its 2 valence electrons. The unpaired electron on nitrogen would be shared with the oxygen atom, forming a single bond between them.

How would you say the following covalent compound NO2?

Nitrogen dioxide.

What is the balanced equation of nitrogen gas with oxygen gas to produce nitrogen monoxide at an equilibrium constant?

The balanced equation for the reaction between nitrogen gas and oxygen gas to produce nitrogen monoxide is: 2N2(g) + O2(g) ⇌ 2NO(g) The equilibrium constant for this reaction would be expressed as K = [NO]^2 / [N2]^2[O2].

Would a person choke in Plutos atmosphere?

While the nitrogen's wouldn't be a huge problem, the methane and carbon monoxide would. Likely as not, however, you would freeze first, and essentially immediately.

Bond of nitrogen monoxide Is it covalent bond or coordinate bond Thanks?

First, a coordinate bond IS a covalent bond, but one in which both electrons are provided by one element. In nitrogen monoxide (NO), there is a double bond between N and O, such as in N=O and each element contributes 2 electrons to this, so it would be considered a coordinate bond.

What is the strongest force that exists between molecules of nitrogen monoxide NO?

The strongest force between molecules of nitrogen monoxide (NO) is the covalent bond formed between the nitrogen and oxygen atoms. This bond involves the sharing of electrons between the atoms, creating a strong attraction that holds the molecule together.

What is carbon for carbon monoxide?

You mean, "What is a solvent for carbon monoxide?" Carbon monoxide will dissolve in just about any common gas that you care to name: nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, argon, neon, helium, hydrogen, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, methane, water vapor, nitrous oxide. How else does carbon monoxide get from here to there? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The solubility of carbon monoxide in liquids is low, for ex. 27.6 mg/liter in water. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In ALL liquids?? Perhaps you need to try hydrocarbons, fats, lipids, liquid nitrogen, liquid carbon dioxide (under pressure), and so forth. If carbon monoxide were not soluble in blood, then it would not be dangerous to human beings, mammals, birds, and reptiles. (We would breathe it in and then right out again.) In any case, a gas can be a solvent just as a liquid can. Try dissolving some sulfur dioxide in some nitrogen gas. It works very well, though we don't like this. Sulfur dioxide in nitrogen causes bad air pollution.

Why gas would be pouring out of exhaust pipe?

hydrocarbons (unburned) carbon monoxide carbon dioxide nitrogen oxides sulfur dioxide phosphorus lead and other metals

What is the chemical equation hydrogen gas and nitrogen monoxide react to form water and ammonia gas?

The balance hydrogen gas and nitrogen monoxide react to form water and nitrogen gas can be written as follow.The products formed are water and nitrogen gas.2H2 +2NO ->2H20 + N2.This is the balanced equation.

What is solvent for carbon monoxide?

Carbon monoxide is soluble in polar solvents such as water, as well as in organic solvents such as acetone, ethanol, and acetonitrile. Organic solvents are typically more effective at dissolving carbon monoxide compared to water.