You rent something out.You hire something in.
drivers license, credit card
In "Rent", Maureen's last name is Johnson.
You probably can't rent an iphone but you can borrow it from your friend or something.
The payment name for the monthly amount due for rent is called "rent payment."
it is where you rent something and you ge tcredit for it. then when you want to buy it you use that credit for buying it.
what was the name of rent collectors in nineteenth cenutry Ireland
rent is when u borrow something without buying it then returning it back after a short period of time
Room for rent or just simply boarding house.
1) House 2) Car 3) Movies 4) Video Games 5) Carpet Cleaner
You can't. Only if you have the sims 2 university expansion. The it will say rent house or something
You can, if the domain name is not already used. But you have to rent it.