The right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, including functions such as spatial awareness, creativity, and emotional processing.
The right side of the brain is called the right hemisphere. It is responsible for creativity, spatial awareness, and emotional processing.
Pain is a subjective experience and can be felt on either side of the brain. It is not exclusive to one side only. If someone is experiencing pain on the left side of their brain, it could be due to a variety of factors such as migraine, tension headache, or neuralgia. It's important to consult a healthcare professional to determine the cause of the pain.
Neurons cross from the right side to the left, as do neurons cross from the left to the right, meaning your right side of your brain controls your left, and your left controls your right side.
You primarily use the right side of your brain when you draw. The right side is associated with creativity, intuition, and spatial awareness, making it well-suited for artistic activities like drawing.
Get that checked by a doctor, my friends brother had to have surgery.
For an individual to train for the task of brain tumor surgery they must first earn a medical license as well as the right to do basic surgery. Only after taking multiple specialized courses can an individual be trained for brain tumor surgery.
Could be. Your testicle might have drawn back up into your body, wrapped around your ureter and redescended. Please go to doctor NOW.This would be very unusual , but possible and potentially harmful.
As long as blood is pumping through the testicle then it should have a pulse, the left testicle should have a pulse too.
No, Usually they have to be removed by surgery. but get medical attention right away if you have a brain tumor. They are very serious, and can kill you!!
Brain surgery is expensive but it depends on a lot of factors such as complications after surgery and how long your hospital stay is. I had brain surgery in November of 2006 but I had complications that left my left side weaker than my right and was required to have extensive therapy and over a month and half hospital stay. Over all, my bills have reached close to $750,000 or more. That is not including prescription costs since my surgery.
Any testicle problems should be taken to a doctor. There are many reasons for differences. See the link below.
same as the left, making sperm and semen
You may have an undescending testicle.
Any bump or knot on the testicle need to be looked at by a doctor. Could be nothing, could be cancer. Go to the doctor, ASAP.