The Tagalog name for mustard is "mostasa."
if that's a tagalog word that's radish in English if it's some fancy gimmick in text messages in the Philippines it means "How are you doin?",
Yellow mustard is a prepared mustard. Dry mustard, or mustard flour is not prepared mustard.
mustard2 syllables:bustard, clustered, flustered, mustard, mustered3 syllables:black mustard, field mustard, great bustard, hedge mustard, leaf mustard, white mustard, wild mustard4 syllables:Chinese mustard, garlic mustard, spinach mustard, sulfur mustard, table mustard, tansy mustard, tower mustard5 syllables:buckler mustard, Indian mustard, mithridate mustard, nitrogen mustardfrom:
Sweet Mustard is sweeter than Plain Mustard.
You can substitute Dijon mustard with yellow mustard, honey mustard, or a mix of mustard powder and water.
This mustard is made from the seeds of the mustard plant. Yellow mustard seeds.
Mustard is a plant. Garlic mustard is mustard with garlic added for flavoring.
Mustard seed is a spice and mustard is just a mustard seed concoction.
1 teaspoon dry mustard = 1 tablespoon prepared mustard or ½ teaspoon mustard seeds
Course grain mustard is a type of mustard that contains whole or partially crushed mustard seeds, giving it a chunky texture. It is different from other types of mustard, like yellow mustard or Dijon mustard, which are smoother in texture and made from finely ground mustard seeds.
Grain mustard is a type of mustard made from whole mustard seeds that are coarsely ground, giving it a grainy texture. It is different from other types of mustard, such as yellow mustard or Dijon mustard, which are made from finely ground mustard seeds. Grain mustard typically has a stronger and more pungent flavor compared to other mustards.