As the molecular formula for benzene is C6H6 so acetylene CH Triple Bond CH should be its monomer.
A polymer. Polymers are formed from the repetition of monomer units through chemical bonding to create long chains or networks.
Teflon is polytetrafluoroethylene, so the monomer is tetrafluoroethylene.
Glucose is the monomer produced when starches are broken down.
Benzene triozonide is the combination of Benzene and triozonide. Benzene is three molecule of each chlorine and hydrogen and the addition of three molecules of ozone creates Benzene triozonide.
The Teflon monomer is called tetrafluoroethylene.
That depends what the monomer is. Most unsaturated monomers are manufactured commercially from crude oil. Ethene, for instance, is made by cracking the gas oil fraction of crude oil. Vinyl chloride is then made from ethene. Styrene is made from benzene and ethene.
In general, benzene is not expected to substantially degrade polyurethane. However, exposure to benzene can potentially cause swelling or softening of polyurethane over time, depending on the concentration and duration of exposure. It's important to avoid prolonged contact between benzene and polyurethane to prevent any adverse effects.
Yes (and no!) The styrene molecule is a benzene ring with a -CH=CH2 group attached. In the polymerisation process, the double bonds in two adjacent groups are broken and joined to form a chain: -CH-CH2-CH-CH2-CH-CH2-CH-CH2-....... with a benzene ring off each -CH- group. I believe the benzene group is referred to as a "phenyl group" in complex molecules, such as polymers like polystyrene.
A polymer. Polymers are formed from the repetition of monomer units through chemical bonding to create long chains or networks.
Teflon is polytetrafluoroethylene, so the monomer is tetrafluoroethylene.
An RNA monomer is a nucleotide.
the monomer of poly saccharide is glucose
The monomer of lipids is fatty acids.
Polymer: DNA, Monomer: nucleotides Polymer: Proteins, Monomer: amino acids Polymer: Polysaccharides, Monomer: monosaccharides
The pros of benzene is apple and the cons of benzene is banana.
Glucose is the monomer produced when starches are broken down.