"Meticulous" is one possibility. Other synonyms: accurate, cautious, conscientious, conscionable, exact, fastidious, fussy, heedful, microscopic, nitpicking, painstaking, particular, perfectionist, persnickety, picky, precise, punctilious, punctual, scrupulous, stickling, strict, thorough
Antonyms: careless, sloppy
"Orientation" is a noun, meaning the direction something is pointed. "Oriented" is a verb form and adjective meaning pointed that way. "Detail-oriented" means pointed in the direction of detail, concerned with detail. "He has a detail-oriented approach" means he concerns himself with details. "Detail orientation" means the direction the detail is pointed, not perhaps a very useful phrase, since detail is rarely pointed in any direction.
Meticulous, fastidious, finicky, scrupulous, picky, punctilious, exact, rigid...
Disorganised is the opposite of detail oriented.
Detail-oriented. You need a hyphen unless you are implying that you are a detail and you are oriented.
The opposite of detail-oriented could be 'disorganised'
Yes, it is. Otherwise, you're implying that you're "detail" and you are "oriented".
In whatever way they are oriented will provide the quality -for example, detail-oriented (attn to detail) Oriented is not used alone.
career oriented
In whatever way they are oriented will provide the quality -for example, detail-oriented (attn to detail) Oriented is not used alone.
Synonyms for the phrase "in tune": harmonious, balanced, compatible, melodious, in harmony, in step, in concert.