go all the way up.then go down then left all the way go to the in front of you go up and left.go straigth up.go to the one in the centre.go to the one the middle.go to the one all the way to the rigth.then jump down 1 time. and ur there
The fourth gym in pokemon emerald is a fire gym in lavadrige city led by Flannery. She has a numel, slugma, camerupt and a torkoal. If you beat her she will give you a TM50 overheat. So I suggest that you brign water pokemon with you as a counter.
with electric and fire type Pokemon
You go to lavaridge town to battle fire typ gym leader flannery!!!
you have to hit each tile once if you want to challenge the gym leader...
lavaridge town go there and bring your strong Pokemon the flannery the gym leader Pokemon are :slugma lv 26 slugma lv 26 and torkoal lv 28
Of course you can, right after beating the 4. gym (the fire gym).
electric,fire and rock
Flannery, a fire type gym leader.
Petalburg Gym Back near your home town
The fourth gym in pokemon emerald is a fire gym in lavadrige city led by Flannery. She has a numel, slugma, camerupt and a torkoal. If you beat her she will give you a TM50 overheat. So I suggest that you brign water pokemon with you as a counter.
with electric and fire type Pokemon
You go to lavaridge town to battle fire typ gym leader flannery!!!
winona, the flying gym leader, the strongest type Pokemon would be electric, ice, and fire.
fallarbor town does not have a Pokemon gym but lavridge town does and the gym leader there is flannery of the fire type hope it helped for more info visit www.serebii.net
Lavaridge town. It's a fire type gym so take lots of water ones with u
The Fortree gym.
there is no gym at pacifidlog