I went over to the stationery cupboard to get a new note pad.
Stationery means stationery goods, i.e. items sold by a stationer, such as paper , pens, ink, envelopes, and other office supplies
Nicola likes to collect stationery.No seriously, the whole place is crammed with stationery.Do not eat the stationery.We need new stationery.
'Stationery' is a mass noun because it is not countable. You can't have more than one stationery so there is no plural. source: yahoo answers.
stationery Just remember 'er' as in 'paper' (If you're thinking about paper and matching envelopes, think also of the "e's" in "letters", the reason that 'stationery' exists.)
Stationery is the singular and plural spelling. I wrote my letter on perfumed stationery.
Pens and envelops are examples of stationery.
The letter came written on my boss's personalized stationery.
Nicola likes to collect stationery.No seriously, the whole place is crammed with stationery.Do not eat the stationery.We need new stationery.
The purple-flowered stationery was lovely, and just what Jared expected from his great-grandmother on his 17th birthday.
I bought a new set of stationery for my friend's birthday gift, including a notebook, pens, and sticky notes.
Be sure the ladder is stationary before climbing on it.He wrote the note on a fancy piece of stationery.
I wrote a stationeryletter
The stationery paper was very pretty so i used it to write a letter to a loved one.(Good sentence right? :D)I wrote down this sentence on stationary. The turret is bolted to the ground and is now stationary.
Margaret wrote her thank you note on her personalized stationery, because she knew that Brian would appreciate the quality of the paper and envelope.
Laura used stationery embossed with her initials,
I went to the store to get stationery.I went over to the stationery cupboard to get a new note pad.Stationery means stationery goods, i.e. items sold by a stationer, such as paper , pens, ink, envelopes, and other office supplies
Lila's stationery was bordered with light purple lilacs on an elegant vine, and she only used it to write letters to her pen-pal in Greece.