firstly there are lack of standardization,i.e,countries compute their national income differently.
secondly different needs,tastes and consumption patterns of different countries
thirdly Exchange rate,i.e, different currencies to compute national income
the international system of units is based on units of 10 and has 3 main standards, the meter, liter, and gram.
wikipedia lists some of them under "Notation in probability and statistics". However, various academic disciplines have their own publication standards also. For example, if you were publishing in the field of psychology then you might be obliged to use the APA abbreviations.
It is the SI system, abbreviated from the French Système international d'unités.
means EIA standards
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21(That's not gibberish, it is the name of the International Standards Organisation committee which is responsible for defining the C++ programming language) Or, more exactly: Bjarne Stroustrup
The standards agencies responsible for the OSI standards architecture are the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Telecommunications Union-Telecommunications Standards Sector
International Committee for Information Technology Standards was created in 1961.
Indian accounting standards are developed by Indian board and only applicable in India while international accounting standards are developed by International Accounting standard board and applicable to all countries.
International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) by umair sajedin
Some national statistics can be reliable is they have been adjusted. The World Health Organization adjusts their statistics so that their statistics are reliable.
The letters stand for International Finance Reporting Standards. These standards are designed so that international business has common boundaries globally.
E. P. Hall has written: 'Effluent limitation guidelines and standards'
ISO stands for International Standards Organization. It's functions include standards management at international level for quality assurance. These are applied for a broad range of industries, businesses and organizations. ISO issues the certification to companies fulfilling the international standards compliance.
what are advantages and disadvantages of harmonisation of accounting standards
Pumps and pumping equipment were manufactured to international standards, allowing American manufacturers to compete in the international market.
The Department of Commerce website is useful if one is looking for information on economic data and statistics, business resources, minority business opportunities, international trade, weather, census information, population statistics, time standards, and careers available in the US Department of Commerce.
The full form of ITU in standards is the International Telecommunication Union. It is a specialized agency of the United Nations that focuses on developing international standards and regulations for telecommunications and information and communication technologies.