Rudolf Diels (1933-1934)
Reinhard Heydrich (1934-1942)
Heinrich Muller (!942-1945)
Hermann Goering is the founder of the Gestapo.
The Gestapo was a secret police that showed their strength with the use of terror. Hitler and the Nazi party used this secret police to hunt down Jews, gypsies, etc. Once they found them, they would be sent to the concentration camps.
The Gestapo (contraction of Geheime Staatspolizei; "secret state police") was the official secret police of Nazi Germany. Under the overall administration of the SS, it was administrated by the RSHA and was considered a dual organization of the Sicherheitsdienst and also a suboffice of the Sicherheitspolizei.
Hermann Goering is the founder of the Gestapo.
Also known as the GESTAPO, or secret police was under the leadership of Heinrich Himmler
the gestapo
Himmler was the Reichsführer (Imperial Leader) of the dreadful SS and Gestapo + Common Police (Schupo).
because gestapo is aweshum
The Gestapo was founded in April 26, 1933 as the "Geheime Staatspolizei" or the "Secret State Police" headquartered in Prinz-Albrecht-Strabe, Berlin. The Gestapo numbered roughly 32,000 employees. The Gestapo was under the administration of SS leader Heinrich Himmler the Chief of German Police. After September 1939 it was led by the "Reichssicherheitshauptamt" or the "Reich Main Security Office". The Gestapo was dissolved May 8, 1945 after the Nazi defeat at the end of WW2. The predecessors of the Gestapo were the Prussian Secret Police.
because gestapo is aweshum
The Gestapo are the police.
The Gestapo were the Secret Police for the Nazis. The Gestapo belonged to the Nazi Party.
The Japanese Gestapo - or Kempeitai - were very similar to the Gestapo in the way they operated, but had been around for much longer than the Gestapo (1881-1945). Their numbers were considerably larger than that of the Gestapo, however - about 70,000, compared to the Gestapo's 32,000.
The Gestapo.
The main requirement needed to be in the Gestapo was being a non-Jewish German. You also needed to believe in the Gestapo and agree with that way of thinking to join the Gestapo.