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Stet is the Latin equivalent of 'Let it stand'. The Latin word is known to proofreaders. It's written in the margin to the left of the affected line. Dots are made under the passage that previously was crossed out. The word 'stet' in the margin and the dots under the affected phrasing tell typists and printers to keep the particular passage as part of the final text.

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As in the verb "to stand"?

Sto, stare steti status.

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stare decisis

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starie decisis

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Stare decisis.

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stare decisis

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Q: Which latin word means let it stand?
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What is the three letter word for latin for thus it stands?

I don't know the answer to your question exactly, but the Latin stet is used often to mean that if something has been crossed out it should be uncrossed out. The word means 'let it stand'.

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What is the word for thus it stands?

> there by In Latin, "sic stat," or even simply "sic." By the way, in editing, the word "stet," which means "let it stand" in Latin, indicates that a word or section marked for deletion should stay in as originally written.

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It means 'let it stand' in printers terms?

STET it means "let it stand" in printer's terms

What does the word Fiat means in REligion?

In religion, "fiat" refers to the Latin word for "let it be done" or "let it be." It is often used in reference to the Virgin Mary's response to the angel Gabriel when she said, "Be it done to me according to your word," indicating her acceptance of God's will for her to give birth to Jesus.

What does the term caveats stand for?

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What does the word precook mean?

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What is 'Thus it stands'?

The English phrase 'Thus it stands' is a translation of the Latin words 'Sic stet', which is used in editing and proofing manuscripts. For example, proofreaders accidentally may cross out a word or passage. In reproofing, they make a dotted line under the crossed out word or phrase. In the margin, they write 'stet', which is the Latin word for '[it] stands'. This comment alerts all those subsequently involved in preparing the manuscript to keep the word or phrase within the text. Proofreaders and editors use stet, Latin for "let it stand," to indicate that the usage or spelling in question is not to be "corrected." Authors use sic, Latin for "thus," to indicate that the usage or spelling in question is intentional.Sic or stet There is no one word in Latin for 'Thus it stands'. 'Sic' means 'thus' - nothing more. 'Stet' means 'Let it stand' - that's used in proofreading. To say 'Thus it stands' in Latin is: Sic stat. There isn't one. The word 'sic' simply means 'thus'. To say 'thus it stands' is 'sic stat'.

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Word stet come from a latin word?

[stet] is a Latin word meaning 'let it stand' or 'let it stay'. A common use of stet is when you are correcting a piece of work. If you cross something out as wrong, then realise that it is right after all, you write [stet] in the margin - to mean that your correction should be ignored. [stet] is a way of crossing out a crossing out.