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he was.

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Q: Jason Earles was NOT born in 1977.?
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What is Jason Earles's birthday?

Jason Earles was born on April 26, 1977.

What is Jason Earles's birthday?

Jason Earles was born on April 26, 1977.

When is Jason Earles's birthday?

Jason Daniel Earles was born April 26, 1977 in San Diego, California.

When was Jason earl born?

Jason Earles was born on April 26, 1977.

When was actor Jason Earles born?

April 26 1977

Is Jason Earles 29?

Jason Earles birthdate is April 1977

When was Jason earles actually born?

He was born in 1983.I'm 100% sure. He is 32.He was actually born in 1977

Is Jason Earles 30?

No, Jason was born on April 26, 1977. This April he will be 33, so he is 32 years old.

How old is Jason earles really?

right now, he is 32 years old. he was born in 1977

What month was Jason Earles born in?

April....... His full birth date is April 26th 1977

Is Jason Earls really 30 years old?

Jason Earles is really 32 years old. He was born 26th April 1977.

Jason earles birthday?

His birthday is April 26th, 1977