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Q: Japan prior to 1853 was A. Isolated from the world. B. Industrializing its economy. C. Democratic in government. D. A mixture of Eastern and Western cultures?
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What led Austrian people to revolt against their government in the nineteenth century?

The government promoted nationalism among its different ethnic groups. Many diverse cultures felt they should have the right to self government.

What government did the greco roman cultures developed?

The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.

What mark did the Persian leave on history?

they were fair and undrestanding. they showed respect for other cultures. and their government brought order to southwest Asia.

How did other civilizations influence the Romans?

The Romans benefited from the cultures of other countries by adapting and absorbing aspects of the foreign cultures. The most obvious example is the Greek form of government. The Romans, after ousting their king sent a delegation to Greece to study the government. The Romans took the principles of the Greek governing system and adapted them to their own culture, such as the voting systems.

How did contact with cultures change songhais government?

Its trade with other Muslim lands would suffer

How did the way people in the 1770s influence the American government today?

The United States constitution shapes the American government. The cultures and beliefs of the people in the 1770's when it was written influences the government.

What do Canada and the US have in common?

cultures, both divers countries,easy travel,similar form of government

Did any other cultures influence change in Egyptian Government? for the info on cod waw.. it rules!!!

How many cultures are there in asia?

There are numerous distinct cultures in Asia, with over 40 countries encompassing a wide range of traditions, languages, religions, and customs. This diversity results in thousands of unique cultures across the continent.

Do immigrants I551 form holders have any Government benefits?

sharing different traditons and gaining knowledge about other cultures

In which way is the United states and Canada alike?

Similar cultures Easy travel between the two and similar forms of government-

How did the rise of cities affect government in early cultures?

Observe current cultures, such as the city you live in, if you live in a city, or Toronto, New York, any city really. It is approximately the same to early cultures. Thus, the creation of cities required a much more complex, authoritative, and larger government to sustain them. Cities are a problem and should not exist -- the government is basically a system to help prolong the inevitable death of a city. I am not meaning to be negative, or pessimistic, but it is quiet true, I think. I also do not mean this as sad, but simple thought