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Well...not as a zubat, but once it evolves into crobat(max happiness from golbat) it has HUGE speed, and should go faster than most, and has good stats around the board.

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Q: Is zubat good
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Is zubat a good Pokemon?

Zubat is a very good pokemon once it evolves into Crobat.

What is a good nickname for a male zubat?

zuboy XD

Is zubat good on a Pokemon team?

zubat is great and is fun to raise get one they will become helpful in the future note: check for info on zubat that will give you more info on choosing if you want one.

What is better starly or zubat?


When does zubat evolve in Pokemon Diamond?

Yes, Zubat does evolve in Pokemon diamond. Zubat evolves into Golbat, which has eyes, unlike Zubat. Golbat isn't a very strong Pokemon, nor is Zubat. zubat evolves at level 22

Is it good to have zubat at the start of the game Pokemon platinum?

Well it will be good for some Pokemon battles.

How does golbat evolve into zubat?

Golbat does not evolve into Zubat however provided you want a Zubat then you could put a Golbat into the Daycare with a Ditto and that will give you a Zubat Egg.

When does zubat evolves?

Zubat evolves at level 22. Golbat then evolves by happiness.

What is the difference between a regular zubat and a green zubat?

a normal zubat is a normal Pokemon and the green zubat is a shiny Pokemon very rare but yay i got a shiny Roselia!!

What Pokemon is good against zubat?

Zubat is a Flying and Poison type pokemon so Rock types, Electric types, Ice types, and Psychic types would be great against it.

Can Crobat evolve in Pokemon fire-red and leaf-green?

Sadly, Crobat can't Evolve because it's the last form of Zubat. Zubat --> Golbat --> Crobat. ^^ Good Luck!

Can Zubat use Fly?

Yes of course, if Sem can, Zubat can!