No, not according to Hasbro Scrabble. Actually, that would be yes for the Mattel version of Scrabble. Please refer to the related links below for more information. ----------------------------------------- ZO is acceptable in Collins (English dictionary) but not under TWL/OSPD (American dictionary).
'ZA' is the only one in the US Scrabble dictionary, but 'ZO' is valid in the international version.
The type of " sound " Zorua the Pokemon makes is, Zo, Zor Zo, Zor, or Zorua
A Scrabble word is an English word that you can use in the Scrabble game.
The two English language words acceptable in SOWPODS2 for International Scrabble play are "za", a valid contraction of "pizza", and "zo", also spelled "dzo" or "dzho", a hybrid of a yak and a domesticated cow.In Italian, the word "zi" can be added to "za".In Spanish, the only acceptable word beginning with Z is "za".
No, not according to Hasbro Scrabble. Actually, that would be yes for the Mattel version of Scrabble. Please refer to the related links below for more information. ----------------------------------------- ZO is acceptable in Collins (English dictionary) but not under TWL/OSPD (American dictionary).
Four syllables: Mes o zo ic (accent on the zo).
poof = ぞ (zo)
zoe Ζωή-zoi [zo-EE]
"Douzo" is pronounced "doh-zoh." It is a Japanese word that is often used to mean "please" or "go ahead."
This is a riddle. Correctly stated: what type of vegetable is a ZO-ZO? The answer is "onion". You need to rotate "ZO-ZO" on its side to see the letters "ONION" vertically.
There are two syllables in the word "zodiac."
The word for "life" in Greek is "" (pronounced zo-ee).
Zo Ginen goes by Zo Ginen.
The closest word to shade would be shadow, σκιάζω (ski-AHT-zo).