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No, it is just as well-defined as one, two, minus one, square root of two, i, etc.

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Q: Is zero is an undefined number and why?
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Can undefined number be real numbers?

Not if they are undefined in the sense of a number divided by zero.

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Zero by definition is always a rational number. It can sometimes be the cause of mathematical concepts being undefined. For example, a number can not be divided by zero. Dividing by zero is undefined.

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Zero to the power of anything is undefined. There is no number of zeros multiplied together that can produce any number other than zero, so zero to the nth power is undefined, by definition.

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Undefined: You cannot divide by zero

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Undefined: You cannot divide by zero

If zero divided by zero is undefined then how is zero divided by a whole number is zero?

if there is 0 in the numerator it is zero regardless. But if it's zero in the denominator and zero in the numerator then it is undefined in all such cases where the denominator equals zero.