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  • The only two ways you can know for sure if your girlfriend is cheating on you or not is by communication first. Sit down with her; face her and ask her right out if she is cheating on you. If she goes red in the face; fidgets with her hands or squirms around; stands up and threatens to leave or go into another room it is highly possible you have cornered her into confessing whether she is cheating or not. However, if you have no real proof she is cheating on you and she may not be then you risk losing her. Secondly, when she is away from you and when you think she has the opportunity to cheat on you then you can follow her one evening.
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Q: Is your girlfriend cheating you and how to know for sure?
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How I can till for sure my girlfriend is cheating?

You can tell for sure that your girlfriend is cheating, by catching her on the act with her lover.

How do you know your girlfriend is cheating?

Follow her

What to do if your girlfriend doesnt know that you know shes cheating?

tell her.

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You confront her. Tell her you know and just discuss it. Make sure she understands how you feel and do what you think is right

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then he must be cheating on you if he has a girlfriend? i mean if he likes you and has a gf then he must be cheating and wanting you?

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We can not know that and thus can not provide you with an answer.

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be as honest and sensitive as possible and make sure that you have proof that the person was cheating

How do you know when your girlfriend cheating on you?

Ask her if shes cheating on you! Nah im kidding i dont know sorry ? :( and im a guy

How would you know if your girlfriend is was cheating on you if she is a liar?

You have to be sure that your girlfriend is a liar (lied to you before) before accusing her of cheating on you. If you have caught lying about cheating then you are wise to break up the relationship with her because once a bond of trust is broken it is difficult to go on in the relationship. Since no individual knows themselves 100% they cannot be expected to know another person 100%.

How do you know that your girlfriend is cheating on you?

She keeps her phone and diary away from you.

What is the definitition for cheating?

cheating is doing anything you wouldnt want your wife/husband or girlfriend/boyfriend to know about

How do you stop a guy from cheating on his girlfriend?

I'm not sure to be honest but if you goto him and tell him you know about him cheating and he wishes to continue to do so then he isn't worth your love and feelings. no male or female who cheats should be in a relationship.