

Best Answer

Wumbo acually means, Fun, or to do with fun

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Q: Is wumbo a real word
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Which word does Patrick inform Sponge bob about in the episode 'Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy IV'?

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What is wumbology?

Wumbology! The study of wumbo! It's first grade!

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mermaid and barnicle boy 3 but dont watch cus it has a violent bit

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some also refer to it as the Wumbo Threshold braking

What is something cool to say in middle school?

I'm in middle school right now in South Jersey, and we just say things that we laugh at at random times. Like my friend Megan said, "I'd rather have a house and food and have clothes from Wal-Mart than have clothes from Abercrombie and Fitch and have like a bag of chips left!" and now we say, "like a bag of chips left!" Some cool things to say in school are lyrics, or quotes from TV. Whenever someone makes someone else cry, I say, "The boy cries you a sweater of tears, and you kill him" from spongebob. And whenever someone doesn't know an answer I say, "I wumbo, you wumbo, he she we, wumbo! Wumboing, wumbology, the study of WUMBO! C'MON spongebob, this is first grade!" that's also from spongebob. yea i know its dumb. lol

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The root word in "really" is "real."

Is the word telecommunications a real word?

Yes it is a real word.

Is is a real word?

Yes. The word "is" is a real word. of course it is.

Is answer a real word?

Yes, "answer" is a real word.

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no it is not a real word