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YES, according to this site:

Tramadol is a barbiturate sedative mixed with a non-aspirin pain medication acetaminophen and caffeine. This non-narcotic pain medication and relaxant is often prescribed for tension headaches caused by contractions of the muscles in the neck and shoulder area, and migraine.

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13y ago

No. Celexa is part of a group of drugs called SSRI's (Selective Seratonin Reuptake Inhibitors). It's goal is to increase production of seratonin in the brain therfore stabilizing mood. Trazodone is in a class of medications called serotonin modulators. It works by increasing the amount of serotonin, a natural substance in the brain that helps maintain mental balance. And Ambien is a benzodiazepine with a long acting sedative effect used for sleep.

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11y ago

It is an antidepressant.
No, it is considered a Tricyclic Anti depressant.

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15y ago

Neither! It is an antidepressant.. but much used for its "somnolent" effect.

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Is Trazedone a Barbirtuate

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Q: Would Celexa Trazadone or Ambien be a barbiturate?
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What sleeping pill would be given to a patient in a mental hospital if they were already getting something for schizophrenia?

Trazadone, Ambien, ect are often given without problem with psychotropic medications.

Celexa and ambien i take Celexa in the morning and the past couple days I've been taking ambien at night to help me sleep do i need to worry bout any reactions here?

I am not sure about celexa and ambien. I was put on effexor xr, and ambien on the same day and took them for the first time on the same night. I had hallucinations, but possibly it was because I took them together at the same time? I didn't do that again, and just stopped taking the effexor xr all together and then took ambien at night to sleep. That was last year, just recently the Dr. tried me on celexa, big mistake, but I thank her for trying. I started it last Friday night and did ok, then the next nights after that and then into the days I started feeling more and more sick. I went completely off of it, and now I feel like I have the worst flu in my life ever. I am sweaty, light headed, have muscle aches all over, feeling sick, lost 10lbs, stomach ache, increased heart rate and more I can't even think of. If celexa works for you that's great, but if you even start to feel a little sick, STOP taking it, don't work through it like I tried to do. I called the Dr to see if there was anything I could do to curb the side effects while celexa works out of my system, but conveniently the Dr didn't get back to me because it was a Friday. To answer your question though, yes I would be worried about a possible reaction, or at least be aware, from the celexa and ambien together.

Would 2 ambien 1 trazadone and 1 seroquel be an overdose?

i don't think it'd be an overdose. it would just make you sick. mixing drugs like that isn't a good idea.

Can you take Celexa with tramadol?

Yes. I was on the same combination for several months. Your doctor can advise you better however, and personally I would choose a different drug than Celexa.

What medication has the inscription APO C1 20?

That would be 20mg Citalopram (Celexa).

Would Oxycontin show up as a barbiturate on a urine test?

No oxycontin is an opiate an will show up as such.

What would happen if someone took 1 trazadone 4 hydrocodone and 24 Tylenol xtra strength?

The short answer is... they would die.

If you take 900 mg of ambien would you die?


What signs and symptoms can one observe in a case of barbiturate abuse?

Some signs and symptoms that one can observe in a case of barbiturate abuse would be drowsiness, slurred speech, and confusion. The signs and symptoms vary depending on amount consumed.

How many mg per lb of body weight of Ambien will kill you?

Wt 140, how many ambien 10 mg to kill you?

Can you take a 10mg Ambien and 80 mg oxy?

Depends whether the person in question has had either before, if they are experienced with them then i would say yes, but only a small amount of ambien

Is it safe to take Ambien for a long flight?

It is safe to take Ambien for a long flight if you have trouble sleeping while travelling or if you need help adjusting to the difference in time zones. However, because Ambien can have side effects such as making you confused or cause you to do things while in a half-sleep state. It would be safer to take Ambien for a long flight if you have someone accompanying you.