They are a panel that is a thing that they transport you to another place.
After entering the gym, head left and pass the first warp-thing. Enter the warp to the north. Head south and around the wall to the left. Enter the nearest warp (the two that are only separated by a single space are both trainer battles) after going around the wall. Now head south and jump the ledge. On the left side of the wall, there are six warps (the three right-most holes are trainer battles). Enter the northwestern warp. Now head to the warp directly above you (the one to the right is a trainer battle). Now in the room with four warps, the northeastern one is a trainer battle and the one closest to it is the one you want to take. Now go east and enter the closest warp. The current southeastern warp is the target this time. Go south and jump the ledge, entering the next warp. You made it!
You see, the time warp clock doesn't allow you to actually go in it, but it does open up. It looks like a portal when you open it up. You can open it up by clicking it.
If they enter the warp booth at the same time they will warp to the opposite side simultaneously and not bump into one another.
/setwarp (name of warp)
Time Warp - festival - was created in 1994.
Time Warp Trio ended on 2006-09-02.
Time Warp Trio was created on 2005-07-09.
The Time Warp of Dr. Brain happened in 1996.
Time Warp - roller coaster - was created in 2005.
a warp
Time Warp Trio is on the discovery channel. The website is below:
The Time Warp of Dr. Brain was created on 1996-06-01.
Time Warp Trio is on the Discovery Channel Kids. Here's the website:
go back in time
Time Warp - 2007 TV was released on: USA: February 2007
Time Warp - 2007 TV is rated/received certificates of: Germany:o.Al.