The most recently opened American Girl Store was in San Francisco.
There is not a American Girl store in Ohio.
Sorry but no. The only place you can get an American girl doll is at an American girl doll store and there are no American girl doll stores in Houston.
No, sorry. The only store that carrys American girl dolls is the American girl store.
No there is not but the closet store to michigan would be the American Girl store in Chicago,IL.
No but the nearest American Girl store is in Washington DC.
There is not an American Girl Store in Las Vegas.
at the American girl store in New York.
It is I went to the American girl store and asked them and they said yes so it will be Isabele
First, you can try to get it off with soap and water if that doesn't work contact the closest American Girl store.Or you can call or go to the closest American Girl doll store and they will help you fix it/ get it off.The best way to do it, is to have the American girl doll store take it off!
They're at the American girl store.