It doesn't always hurt. It depends if the guy is gentle..tell him your a virgin you might be sore and bleed a little but the pain is very bearable. Remember to be safe!!
less learning time
yes they will but if u keep getting them it well hurt less each time
They hurt for about a 2 weeks and then it stops hurting.
No it doesnt hurt, its actually quite enjoyable really. Just make sure you tell him how you would like him to do it slow-fast etc. x
No. If both are reasonable careful, there is no reason why it should hurt.
Not at all, but they are slightly annoying at first
There is no magic recipe. The key things are to take it slow, keep it short, relax and do not plan it. Tension, stress or apprehension can cause muscle to tense up, which is a big problem. Make sure to spend a LOT of time on foreplay. PS Never make the decision to have sex for the first time while making out or fooling around. That should always be a 'clearheaded' decision for both of you. However, after the decision is made just let it happen, you will know when...
72 hours
No, but they are often more sensitive.
Yes it does. However it does hurt a bit when he first puts it in cause you are a virgin. But yeah my boyfriend fingered me for the first time yesterday and it felt great. Just make sure you are lying down comfortable when he is doing it so it feels a lot better. And I recommend one finger for the first time cause two kind of hurt