

Is there a special day in France?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Is there a special day in France?
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Is there a special day in France and How is that special day observed in France and why is it important to France?

In France, there are multiple special days, but the one that everybody is supposed to know is July 14th, as "La prise de La Bastille", which match to the start of the French Revolution, when french people fought to end the monarchy. It's the National Day in France.

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There is nothing special the first of March in France, but there is the labor day the first of May.

What special traditions do they have in France?

I know that one of them is Bastille day

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because its the arrival of the three kings...... in France

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my mum says I'm special

What special dates happened in France?

Toussaint, (all saints day) Bastille Day, (the storming of the Bastille, a french prison) and Fete Du Travail (workers day).

What is the most important meal in France?

usually this would be on a special occasion, for example at a wedding or an important birthday celebration. answer 2 In the day the main meal in France is usually lunch, but for special occasion is new year, christmas, wedding

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No one. India is the friendly nation & Its unique culture makes it special. Its relationship with USA,Russia ,Britain,France & China is growing day by day.

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Where in France is Bastille day celebrated?

Everywhere, this is the national holiday. A special military parade is held on the Champs-Elysées in Paris.