If you go to the skatepark on broad street next to Nikos restaurant, theres a skate shop across the street.
54 miles
Weymouth, MA
weymouth, ma
17 Bayberry Ln. Weymouth, MA. 02189
The address of the Weymouth Historical Society General Fund is: Po Box 56, Weymouth, MA 02190-0001
Weymouth, Massachusetts, is in area code 781 and overlay area code 339.
The distance between Dartmouth, MA and Weymouth, MA is approximately 65 miles by car. The drive typically takes about 1.5 to 2 hours depending on traffic.
The Spleen.
TruckGuys/AutoAudio is a truck, van, SUV outfitter in addition to mobile electronics located at 374 Washington Street, Weymouth, MA.
It is 80.1 miles according to Google Maps.
The address of the Child'S Play Museum is: 293 Libbey Industrial Pkwy, East Weymouth, MA 02189
G1 skate supply, wreckless skate shop,skate warehouse .