Mabey I have got all 28 Unknowns But nothing happens I thought you were supposed to get A Pokemon etc. Entei,Raikou,Suicune,Moltres, and zapdos.
you get pregnant
they are Pokemon shaped like letters
no i have entei and i never battled an unown
if you catch all 28 unknown, including the exclamation mark and question mark unowns, the unowns will spell the alphabet and question & exclamation mark unowns i really dont know what they do.
Some Unowns
Noi, you cannot make Pokémon with any of the Unowns in Pokémon Platinum.
i havn't done it yet but if you catch all the unowns and go to the ruin maniac in ruin maniac cave, he'll most likely give you something nice
Even if you do capture all the unowns, you still cant get a celebii. You just get 2 more unowns, a ? and a !
In caves near Solaceon Town to the right
catch all the different unowns at lower right in the ruins.
Nothing, sadly
In the cave where you find the unowns right at the end where you find unown d
I dont know what happen in diamond, but in platinum you can catch ! and ? unowns.
At the top of the town wih the ruins with only unowns in it. The building with the old man standing out the front
you get pregnant
u catch unowns in the Solaceon ruins
u dont