A typical flight between Toronto, Canada and Honolulu, HI would have a flying time of about 9 hours, 19 minutes.
Ten hours
The flight distance from Toronto Canada to Hawaii is 7483 kilometres
The flight time from Toronto, Canada to Honolulu, Hawaii is about 9 hours, 19 minutes.
If you were to get a direct flight it would be approx 5 Hrs 34 Min.
The flight distance for direct flights is 2,556 miles.
For direct flights, about 10.5 hours flying time to Honolulu International Airport.
If it's a direct flight from Honolulu, HI to Seoul, KR, the average flight length is between 9 hours and 20 minutes to 9 hours and 40 minutes.
Direct flight (American Airlines) About 7h20m
Approximately 5 hours 30 minutes on a direct flight.
7 hours and 15 minutes, if you can get a direct flight.
No flight that I know of flies directly to the UK. Honolulu to the UK is more than half-way around the world.