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Yes, the word 'ambition' is a noun, a word for a desire and determination to achieve; a word for a concept; a word for a thing.

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Q: Is the word ambition a noun?
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Related questions

Is the word ambition an abstract noun?

Yes, the noun 'ambition' is an abstract noun, a word for a strong desire, a word for an emotion.

What part of speech is the word Ambition?

Ambition is a noun.

Is the word ambition a common noun?

Yes, ambition is a common noun, a general word for a desire and determination to achieve; a word for a concept; a word for an idea.A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing, such as the book 'Blind Ambition' by John Dean or Ambition Road in Fayetteville NC.

What kind of noun is ambition?

Ambition is an abstract noun.

Do ambition have tense?

No, "ambition" is a noun.

What part of speech is the word ambitions?

Ambitions is a noun. It's the plural form of ambition.

What is the abstract noun for ambitious?

The abstract noun form of the adjective 'ambitious' is ambitiousness.A related abstract noun is ambition.Examples:He started with nothing but ambitiousness and created an empire. He's a minor league ball player with high hopes and grand ambition.

How do you make an adjective from ambition?

The noun 'ambition' is an abstract noun; a word for a strong desire for some type of achievement or distinction, power, honor, fame, or wealth, and the willingness to strive for it; a word for a concept.

Is goal a verb or noun?

The word 'goal' is a noun, a word for word for the object of a person's ambition or effort; and a word for a pair of posts linked by a crossbar and often with a net attached used in sports; a word for a thing.

Is goal an noun or adjective?

Yes, field goal is a noun, a singular, common, open spaced compound noun; a word for an act, a thing.

Is ambitions a proper noun?

No, the noun 'ambitions' is a common noun, the plural form for the singular noun ambition; a word for any kind of ambition of anyone.A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, thing, or a title; for example:Mount Ambition,Kitimat-Stikine Range, British Columbia, CanadaAmbition Road, Fayetteville, NC orAmbition Street, Ormeau, QLD AustraliaAmbition Coffee House & Eatery, Schenectady, NY"Blind Ambition", 1979 movie with Martin Sheen and Theresa Russell

What is the verb of ambition?

The verb form of ambition is "ambition." For example, "She ambitiously pursued her goals."