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Unfortunately no.

The game is now gotten to old and game spy is to lazy to run it anymore.

Same goes for C&C Renegade.

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Q: Is the tiberian sun online server still running?
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Make sure one laptop is running the "server". The server can still play, but it MUST be running a server. Otherwise both laptops are looking for a server. If there is a server, check firewall permissions on both laptops - if one is a problem, then it won't work correctly.

Is online yet?

Horsesile2 is not online yet, it is still being created. CloudStrifeLover, Pally, Pinto, and Roan server~! This was from a while ago. The new answer is"Yes Horseisle 2 is online now and has been for a while" Thanks! SteelerFanatic on Chestnut Server

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Their is no longer a point in downloading the game. The server went down. Somebody figured out a way to hack into the main server and crashed it. That's the fact and I'm just laying it out there....I'm not going to try and cover up and make a different point. GunZ Online: The International Duel® no longer is playable, if there are any servers to GunZ that are still open and your using it, then be warned those are re-copied versions of GunZ that people may have made when the server first went down. And if you are running a server then congratulations because you may be the only person holding up the remains of GunZ Online.

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The original UHP server ended a few weeks ago but UHP still has a few servers running on coldsnap.

Which diagnostic options perform hard drive self tests while the server is still running?

poweredge diagnostics dell system e-support tool

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The items that were originally stored on this specific server still remain there today as this is still a server that is widely used. The information has had no reason to be transferred to another server.

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This is Kilop, well your problem is, that the server is most likely having difficulties. Yes we still are 24/7, but sometimes my internet stops working which disables the server, usually my internet stays online, but yeah. Hope to see you online!

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How do you play freelancer online?

The global server is currently down for ever(or until Microsoft deicides to put it up again), so you can't play online throught conventional means. What you have to do is find the server you want to play on through their forums on the internet (I recommend Discovery; and download their mod and direct serverlink. The direct link will make the server appear in your server tray when you click multiplayer->internet in freelancer. Many servers don't use mods, but they should still have a direct link to their server.