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The pien fu is worn by both men and women.

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What types of traditional clothing does Chinese wear?

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What is the meaning of pien-ching?

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Yu Chang has written: 'Fu ku pien' -- subject(s): Etymology, Chinese language

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Female female male male female Male male male female Male male female

Is it bad luck to have only one Fu Dog?

Having only one Fu Dog is not necessarily bad luck, but traditionally, it is recommended to have a pair of Fu Dogs to provide better protection and balance. One Fu Dog is believed to represent yin energy while two Fu Dogs represent both yin and yang energies working together harmoniously.

When was Armand Pien born?

Armand Pien was born on January 2, 1920, in Gent, Belgium.

How tall is Sue Ann Pien?

Sue Ann Pien is 5' 7 1/2".

When did Armand Pien die?

Armand Pien died on September 22, 2003, in Hoeilaart, Flanders, Belgium.

When was Luc Pien born?

Luc Pien was born on January 10, 1953, in Dendermonde, Flanders, Belgium.

What actors and actresses appeared in Pien - 2011?

The cast of Pien - 2011 includes: Joey Corver as Rens Sofie Ott De Vries as Pien Matteo van der Grijn as Man

Why a child born becomes gay?

sexuality is not binary (male/female) it is a wide continuous spectrum from male (psyche) with male parts (anatomy) over male with female parts to female with male parts and female with female parts and even male & female psyches with male and female anatomy!