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Yes it is. It taste better raw (green) than ripe(yellow)...then than skin is thicker.

AnswerActually, if you're allergic to poison ivy you should err on the side of caution and remove the peel. Urushiol, the stuff that makes poison ivy give you a rash, is also found in mango sap and skin. Most people aren't allergic to the skin as the amounts of urushiol in mango skin is much smaller than in poison ivy, however some people do find symptoms occur after they've ingested the skin. So, if you have a poison ivy allergy, better safe than sorry...
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15y ago
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4mo ago

Well, hello there! Mango seeds are not typically eaten due to their tough, fibrous texture and bitter taste. However, they can be used to grow new mango trees if planted in the right conditions. Remember, it's always important to enjoy the delicious flesh of the mango fruit and appreciate the beauty of nature's gifts.

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4mo ago

Mango seeds are not typically considered edible due to their tough and fibrous texture, as well as their bitter taste. They contain compounds that can be toxic in high quantities, such as cyanide. While some cultures may have traditional methods of processing and consuming mango seeds, it is generally recommended to avoid eating them.

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4mo ago

Oh, dude, no way! Mango seeds are definitely not edible. They're like rock hard and fibrous, not exactly a tasty snack. Stick to enjoying the delicious fruit flesh and leave those seeds alone.

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17y ago

Wikipedia indicates that flour can be made from mango seeds, and also that those seeds are eaten in India in times of food shortage

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13y ago

It fine to eat the skin of a mango but Its not very nice.

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11y ago
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15y ago

I am not sure to the type of mango you are referring to, but in Indian cuisine mango skin is used to make chatni, so , yes.

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13y ago

ummm....i dont but you can if u like you wont die or anything

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12y ago

I don't, but mango skin is good for you and contains loads of nutrition, but it wont taste very nice, you could try if you want to.

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Q: Are mango seeds edible
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Is mango is an edible fruit?

It is.

What is the difference between edible and non edible seeds?

The definition of edible is fit to be eaten. The seeds inside blackberries are edible, the seeds of the yew tree is non edible (poisonous).

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They are edible raw or cooked.

Is the mango completely edible?

Yes, entirely...

Which seeds are edible?

Sunflower seeds are edible and there very good for you!

How many seeds in a mango?

A. There are approx. 2 cotyledons in a mango.

What is different fromlemon seed and mango seed?

Mango seeds are found inside mango fruit. Lemon seeds are found inside lemons.

Which is the edible part of mango ans 1. epicarp 2. mesocarp 3. pericarp 4. placenta?

The edible part of the mango is the mesocarp, which refers to the fleshy middle layer of the fruit. The epicarp is the outer skin, the pericarp includes all the layers of the fruit wall, and the placenta is the structure inside the fruit that holds the seeds.

Are mango seeds toxic and harmful if ingested?

Mango seeds contain a compound called cyanide, which can be toxic if ingested in large amounts. It is not recommended to eat mango seeds as they can cause harm to your health.

How seeds of mango are dispressed?

Mango fruits have juicy pulp. Birds and animals including human being are attracted to gather mango fruits and after eating the sweet pulp the mango seeds are thrown.

Why do the seeds of the grapes have a higher chance of growing into healthier plants than that of the mango?

Grape seeds are sturdier than mango seeds, therefore grape seeds have better chances of growing into healthy plants. Mango seeds are very fragile and many won't grow at all.

Is mango reproduced by mango seeds?

Yes...i cant believe you had to ask that...