No, Rodimus Prime, originally named Hot Rod, is the Autobot Leader who succeeded Ultra Magnus. Ultra Magnus was handed the Matrix of Autobot Leadership after Optimus Prime died. Following this, Ultra Magnus was killed by Galvatron, who took the Matrix. Later, Hot Rod later fought Galvatron and took the Autobot Matrix of Leadership and was chosen by the Matrix to be the next Prime, and thus, became Rodimus Prime.
He doesn't have on Or at least none are mentioned in the Bay movies.
Optimus transforms into a semi truck that is red and blue with flames
mabye King Kong or Optimus Prime because King Kong can throw Optimus Prime in the water and break him and win or Optimus Prime can use his swords to stab King Kong and win
In 'The Chronicles of Narnia' film series Aslan is voiced by Liam Neeson whereas Peter Cullen voiced Optimus Prime in 'Transformers' .
Well, Only a Prime can kill a Prime, so it would have to the the Fallen, but he is dead now.
Optimus prime
no sentinel prime is the leader of the autobots before optimus prime
No but they are related by both being primes
they are probably somehow related because they are both primes
Megatonus Prime, the fallen that corrupted Megatron and made him willing to kill his older brother, Optimus Prime and the autobots. Megatronus is responsible for corrupting Optimus Prime's younger brother and for forcing Megatron to kill the good guys.
optimus prime (weakest) super optimus prime power links optimus prime flight mode optimus prime fight mode optimus prime super powerlinks optimus prime omega optimus prime supream omega senenel optimus prime super omega optimus supream wing omega supream optimus prime super omega senenal optimus prime omega wing sentenell optimus prime super omega wing optimus prime super omega sentenell wing optimus prime optimus supream finle impact ultimtae optimus supream ultimtae optimus supream finle impact (strongest)
He doesn't have on Or at least none are mentioned in the Bay movies.
Optimus Prime's enemies are definitely the decepticons, the evil villains that Optimus have to face. Megatron is the leader of the decepticons who is also one of Optimus Prime's enemies. Megatron was Optimus Prime's good brother but then because of Megatronus Prime that corrupted Optimus Prime's younger, Megatron and turned him into an evil leader of the decepticons and was planning to destroy the autobots, kill humans and to destroy Earth. Megatonus is responsible and must payback for he have done. Optimus Prime does not consider the decepticons his brothers anymore. Optimus Prime tried to stop them from doing evil things but they didn't listen. So Optimus Prime was forced to take out his weapons to defeat the decepticons and to kill Megatronus Prime and Megatron.
Optimus Prime is the leader of the Autobots
optimus prime
Optimus prime for sure