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Yes it is, but very very far west. You will save a lot of time, energy and expense if you head in an easterly direction and then recheck your map and compass when you bump into California.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

No, the fact that it is an island, means its not in the "continential" US. Islands are surrounded by water, and not connected to anything.

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βˆ™ 15y ago


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Q: Is the continental US west of Hawaii?
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In which direction is Hawaii from the continental US?

Hawaii is located southwest of the continental United States.

In wich direction is the state of Hawaii from the continental US?

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What is the southernmost location in the US?

Key West, Florida for the contiguous States and the Big Island of Hawaii for the US States.

What state is separate from the Continental US?

Hawaii is the only state separate from the continental US. - But both Hawaii and Alaska are separate from the contiguousUS.

What is in the west of the United States?

California? Or if it's not continental then Hawaii?

How can key west fl possibly further south than Hawaii?

Key West is neither the southermmost city in the US or the southermost city in the continental US. This is a myth perpetuated by this community. The majority of Hawaii is around 400 miles further South than Key West and it being a key or island disqualifies from being "continental" Brownsville Texas is the southern most city in the continental US. Wrong, Key West is almost 1° farther south in latitude and the Keys are a part of CONUS.

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Alaska is the westernmost state in the continental US. Washington state is the westernmost state in the 48 contiguous states. Hawaii is usually counted as the westernmost of all the states. However, technically, the little islands at the end of the Aleutian Islands chain are farther west than Hawaii. However that is just a tiny bit of Alaska. The entire state of Hawaii is totally way out west!

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There are 49 states in continental America.

Which is farthest from the Continental United States Hawaii or Alaska?

Hawaii is much further away from the nearest point in the 48 continental US states than is Alaska.