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of course it is silly

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Q: Is the a shipwreck in the sand story true?
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What is the story to shipwreck in the sand?

the story of shipwreck in the sand has many stories intertwined inside mainley the hardships of life and the cruelty of the government all shown through the downfall of a couple.

When was A Shipwreck in the Sand created?

A Shipwreck in the Sand was created on 2009-03-31.

Is sand o' Dee a true story?


Is the Tsimtsum shipwreck story fact or fiction?

The Tsimtsum shipwreck story is fiction. It is a key plot element in the novel "Life of Pi" by Yann Martel, in which the protagonist Pi Patel is stranded at sea on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker.

Which Children's story starts with a shipwreck and storm?

Swiss Family Robinson

Where does the lighthouse ghost tell you to go at ghost story island?

To the shipwreck near the lighthouse.

How do you get to the shipwreck on ghost story island?

go to the lighthouse and you will meet a ghost. he will say go north to the shipwreck. go to your boat and go to the top left corner. a light will be shining on it.

What is the paraphrase of sand and stone story?

summary of sand and stone story

Is shipwrecked a noun or verb?

The word 'shipwrecked' is the past participle, past tense of the verb to shipwreck. The past participle of the verb is also an adjective.The noun form is a shipwreck: The shipwreck sat forlornly on the sand bar for many months.Verb: We suddenly shipwrecked on rocks hidden below the water's surface.Adjective: He was depressed about his shipwrecked careerand planning to give up.

What is a sand Niger?

A sand Niger is Narmeen. When people hear the phrase "sand Niger", they think to themselves "sand Niger?" What's that or that's not true, there is no such thing as sand Niger. But little do they know it is true. For instance, Narmeen is a sand Niger.

Is paper heart a true story?

no it is not a true story or based off a true story

Where is the shipwreck coast?

The shipwreck coast of Victoria, Australia