There is no such armour in RuneScape. If such a set existed, it would a) exist on the Grand Exchange, and b) have an article on the RuneScape Wikipedia (both official and unofficial Wikis).
The "Satan Oracle" armor is from a youtube video. It is not part of the real runescape. The user used photoshop or something to edit fake armor onto his character.
A human./ No one has really seen Zezima in real life, but on Runescape he would look just like any other strong player(except with a long line of noobs following). Usually, he wouldn't have full Torva armor (although he could afford it) but wouldn't wear armor at all. Literally, no armor whatsoever. He also changes the color of his clothes every day, practically. One day red, the other day blue, the next day green. Hope this helped!
There is no "best" auto for runescape. They are all illegal (in the real world) and are against the rules.
Yes. I make $82,100/year owning a gold farming company on runescape.
Please note that the following is against the rules RuneScape. Several people or companies do "real-world trading", which basically means selling RuneScape money, or RuneScape accounts, for real-world money. Jagex - the creators of RuneScape - considers that this ruins the game (many players think so, too), and does a lot of effort to to stop this. All of the following are against the rules of RuneScape:Selling an account for real moneySelling RuneScape money or items for real moneyBotting, also known as autoing (have a program automatically pick up resources, for example)
The "Satan Oracle" armor is from a youtube video. It is not part of the real runescape. The user used photoshop or something to edit fake armor onto his character.
What do you mean "real"? The items on RuneScape are numbers and pictures on computers. So is your avatar. So is the entire RuneScape landscape.
nope i ried but didnt work :(
No. You've been lied to.
Buying Runescape items or armor for real money is called real world trading and is against the Runescape rules and is now pretty much impossible because of the changes made in game. So, no you cannot and it is usually just a scam. If you need any other questions like this answered or need general runescape help, you can go to the fansite called RuneHQ forum here:
YEZ! real halo armor at
Satan Is Real was created on 1959-11-16.
Yes, Our Lord Jesus Is Real, & unfortunately, so is Satan.
There is no proof Satan is real.
nosdemon13 is a real player at lvl 138 on runescape check him out add if you want
A human./ No one has really seen Zezima in real life, but on Runescape he would look just like any other strong player(except with a long line of noobs following). Usually, he wouldn't have full Torva armor (although he could afford it) but wouldn't wear armor at all. Literally, no armor whatsoever. He also changes the color of his clothes every day, practically. One day red, the other day blue, the next day green. Hope this helped!