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internet rumors and conspiracy theories to the contrary, there has never been a "Kennedy dollar bill".

You may see advertising for "commemorative" $1 bills that were supposedly printed in memory of JFK's assassination but the bills' numbering and lettering are pure coincidence. Regular-issue 1963 Federal Reserve Notes distributed by the Dallas Federal Reserve District carry the district letter K and district number 11. Some people have interpreted the "K" as referring to Kennedy and 11 to the month of November along with the 1963 date. In reality these bills were being printed long before and long after that tragic day.

In fact, all FRN's from Dallas have the same letter and number codes, regardless of when they were printed. If there were a conspiracy it would have dated back to 1914 when those codes were assigned.

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Q: Is the Kennedy dollar bill legal tender?
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Is the 1963 Kennedy dollar bill legal tender?

Kennedy thus far has not been featured on any US currency. However, a regular dollar bill with a Kennedy sticker over Washington's portrait is legal to use.

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Everywhere. They're legal tender and are still being printed.

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If you are talking of the Us 2 dollar bill, yes it is legal tender. If you are talking of the Australian 2 dollar bill, then no as it is no longer a circulated denomination except in the form of a coin.

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No. To be considered legal tender, it's explicitly stated that more than half of the bill must be intact.

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The largest bill of legal tender that is in circulation in the United States is the one hundred dollar bill.

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It's still legal tender at face value, so yes.

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Any U.S. million dollar bill you might find is only a novelty and is NOT legal tender.

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The American Dollar bill has the oldest design in all of the U.S. Currency. The first dollar bill was issued as legal tender in 1862. The motto In God We Trust was required on all currency in 1955.

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