the game squash is an aerobic exercise because you are sprinting, and turning repetitively. an anerobic exercise is like long distance running.
respiration, which is either aerobic or anerobic
Mitochondria are the site of aerobic respiration.Fermentation is a type of anerobic respiration.
In aerobic respiration 38 ATPs are produced. In anerobic respiration only 2 are produced
The disadvantage is that anerobic respiration produces less energy than aerobic respiration, and as a result the organism grows at a much slower rate.
It is the first step. It is common to aerobic and anaerobic respiration
Aerobic exercise. Anerobic just builds uo your muscles.
It takes place in cytoplasm. It is common to both aerobic and anerobic respiration
E. Coli can be but only in oxygen free conditions. Normally it is aerobic.
Aerobic (meaning with air) exercise primarily works your cardio vascular system, like aerobics, biking or running. Anerobic (without air) is like weightlifting