no not at all in fact it is actually healthier than not smoking at all ..
research has shown that a healthy level of tobacco ie once a day can be a much needed stress reliever however for obvious reasons more than just one a day will be counted as drug abuse instead of drug use
Smoking tobacco once a week is still harmful, even if it isn't as often as others may smoke. It will gradually cause tobacco related problems in your body.
More importantly, it trains your brain to desire the stimulation of nicotine, and exposes you to a real risk of addiction. Nicotine is more addictive than heroin. Would you ask if using heroin once a week was harmful?
Yes of course it is bad, you can get killed don't you realize that's a drug?
It has been proven that it has almost no harmful effects on the body. There are some things it actually helps with. Watch the movie 'Super High Me' and you'll find out it makes no difference what so ever in the life's of people who smoke it regularly. Although it dose slow the electrical pulses in the brain.
The retard who said its bad for you obviously just listens to whatever is told to her. The reason its illegal is caz the government can't make money off it.
bad but not as bad as smoking ciggarettes
>:( Smoking is a no-no
One might argue that smoking marijuana is bad for your lungs, since smoking anything is bad for your lungs. As for marijuana specifically, there is no scientific evidence that using the drug is bad for one's health.
No, that's a myth perpetuated by the anti-marijuana crowd.
it affects your memory,and eventually affect ur breathing,these are the risks of weed
Smoking marijuana after getting a tattoo will cause no harm to your body. However, alcohol intake before getting a tattoo can cause excess bleeding.
No. Do not smoke oregano. There is no benefit from it and it is bad for your lungs. All smoking is bad for your lungs and in the case of oregano, there is no "benefit" such as with tobacco or marijuana, so smoking oregano is dumb.
Because smoking it can cause lung cancer, emphysema, and other smoking-related diseases, just like tobacco.
Smoking marijuana is awesome
You cannot die from smoking marijuana.
Marijuana would be the best choice. There is nothing wrong with Smoking pot and it is not bad for you. If Marijuana is bad then why do they have prescription marijuana? You can ask your doctor about that. Another thing you could try is Salvia and it's 100% legal.
it can calm your high and make you be able to process better