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Maybe, maybe not. If what's troubling your knees is the impact from running/walking, then cycling is more beneficial. But cycling isn't entirely w/o risk, you need to make sure that your saddle height is good (when seated you should have your leg almost fully extended when the pedal is at its lowest) and that you aren't pushing too hard. Rate of cranking/pedalling is known as cadence, and you want to aim for a cadence of 80-100 RPM. Slightly counter intuitive you'll also want to use fairly short cranks. Knees don't like high loads at high angles, and short cranks can help you to spin instead of mashing the pedals.

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15y ago
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8y ago

As a cyclist, you meet many guys who were former runners who said they took up cycling because their knees just couldn't take the pounding any more. Cycling has been my only sport and I've never had a problem

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12y ago

If you are talking about bicycling - it depends.

Bicycle riding in general is seen as easier on the knees than jogging for instance, as there's no sudden impact.

But bike riding isn't entirely safe for the knees, you need to have the bike properly adjusted and use the right gear. Get it wrong and you can do yourself some damage.

When you're seated in the saddle, the leg should be almost entirely straight when the pedal is at its lowest.

And you should use a gear that allows you to turn the cranks at 80-100 turns/minute, pretty fast.

Some people with knee troubles prefer extra wide cranks/pedals, so that they can ride a bit splay footed.

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1y ago

Cycling Can Actually Be Good for Your Knees

Because bike riding is a low-impact exercise, it puts less stress on weight-bearing joints. This not only includes your knees, but also your hips and feet. Even better, the movement your legs make pushing on the pedals works out certain joints, which can help reduce pain or stiffness. Cycling can also improve range of motion in your knees, so if you suffer from both pain and stiffness, your bicycle may help loosen things up.

Biking Is A Great Option if You Have Arthritis

For riders whose knee pain results from a chronic condition like arthritis, riding a bike can offer a great remedy to regular symptoms. This includes joint pain and difficulty moving. While other exercises may prove too hard due to arthritis, bike riding is often a great option for those with arthritic knees.

The Flexibility of Cycling

Riding a bike enables you to set the intensity each time you hop on. Not only can you pick your route to suit your mood, but you can also use the bike itself to modify the impact on your knees.

When your legs need a break, simply coast for a bit. You can also downshift into the lower gears to lower the intensity of your pedaling. Going hard or light makes no real difference when it comes to stretching out sore knees and reducing stiffness and discomfort, so create the workout that works best for you.

The Right Bike for the Job

When it comes to what type of bike is best for bad knees, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. To find the right bicycle, you have to have the right fit. Anyone at a local bike shop can help ensure you have a bike fitted to your specific proportions. Having the right size bike will make sure riding doesn't make your knee pain worse.

The most important area to check is the seat position on your bike. If it’s too high or too low, it will impact how your knees bend each time you pedal.

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15y ago

I would suggest that you take to bicycling; it puts less stress on the knee's because they are elevated and not being pounded by the constant steping motion of walking.

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12y ago

no but there is this new thing out called driving, its pretty cool

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12y ago

I think it is good for the knees

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