Bitter Gourd is a climber...?
Ridge gourd is called "Tori" in Sanskrit.
The bitterness of bitter gourd is due to Neither climber nor a creeper, It is aquatic and thrives well in ponds and ditches.
The Telugu word for ridge gourd is "beerakaya."
The scientific name of ridge gourd is Luffa acutangula.
Potassium is one of the many minerals found in ridge gourds. The average ridge gourd contains anywhere from 0 to 100 milligrams of potassium.
A ridge gourd seed is a dicot. Dicot seeds have two seed leaves (cotyledons) whereas monocot seeds have only one seed leaf.
Gourd belongs to family Cucurbitaceae. Hence it has dorsiventral leaf with reticulate venation.
Ridge Gourd