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Venus is definitely a Terrestrial [solid] planet.

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Yazmin Sawayn

Lvl 13
2y ago
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14y ago

the Venusian core is thought to be at least partially liquid. The slightly smaller size of Venus suggests that pressures are significantly lower in its deep interior than Earth.About 80% of Venus's surface is covered by smooth volcanic plains, consisting of 70% plains with wrinkle ridges and 10% smooth or lobate plains.

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3mo ago

Venus is a solid planet with a rocky surface. However, its thick atmosphere is composed primarily of carbon dioxide and clouds of sulfuric acid, giving it a hazy appearance.

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13y ago

Venus is definitely a Terrestrial [solid] planet.

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12y ago

Venus has a very thick atmosphere that is poisons, which makes it appear to be gaseous, but it is really solid underneath. Just remember that all terrestrial (inner) planets are solid.

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Is the planet Venus a solid or a gas?

Venus is a solid with a gas atmosphere. kinda like earth. hope this helps!

Is Venus a planet or a solid?

Answer 1Venus is a solid planet, much like the earth in its size.____________________________________Answer 2All planets are planets.What you probably meant to say, is "is Venus a gas or solid planet?".The answer is solid.Venus has a very thick, gassy and poisonous atmosphere that makes it appear as if it is a gas planet, but it does have a solid surface, therefore it is a solid planet.

Is venus mostly gas or rock?

Venus is a solid planet, only the surface is thick with gasses.

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Is Venus a Terrestrial planet or a Gas Giant?

While Venus does have clouds of sulfuric acid it has a solid surface and in theory could be landed upon. In short it is a terrestrial planet.

Is Venus a solid planet or a gasous planet?

Venus is a rocky planet similar to Earth. The Solar System has 4 rocky planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. The rest are gas giants.

Is venus jovian or terrestrial?

Venus is a terrestrial planet, not a jovian planet. Terrestrial planets are rocky and have solid surfaces, while jovian planets are gas giants.

Is Venus a terrestrial or a gas planet?

Venus is considered a terrestrial planet, similar to Earth, as it has a solid surface and is composed primarily of rock and metal. It is often referred to as Earth's "sister planet" due to its comparable size and composition.

What phase of matter does Venus have?

Venus is a solid planet.

Is Venus a solid or gas?

almost completely solid, with a thin gas atmosphere like earth

Why is Venus called a terrestrial planet?

Venus is considered a terrestrial planet because it has a solid rocky surface, similar to Earth. Terrestrial planets are characterized by having a dense, metal-rich core and a rocky mantle and crust, which distinguishes them from gas giants like Jupiter or Saturn.

Is venus made of solid or gas?
