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yes in fact it can.

It would seem that grapefruit is moderately low in purines and therefore would not in itself play a large role in a gout attack.

However, things are not as they always seem with gout. Personal experience says that drinking Grapefruit Juice 16 oz's a day or more can actually bring on a gout attack. This result is repeatable with some gout sufferers, while others don't seem to be affected. When in doubt go lightly on the Grapefruit Juice.

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yes,yes it can because of the citric acid or the acid in genral storing up in your muscles causes pain. for example if you do exercise and stop to sit down for 10 and up minutes and re-exercise you will feel cramps or pain. which is due to the acid sitting in one spot of your body.

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Q: Can grapefruit juice cause gout like pain?
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Can you take nexium with grapefruit juice?

Yes meloxicam (Mobic) is an NSAID and can be taken with as much grapefruit juice as you like. It should not, however be taken with aspirin, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, ketorolac, arthrotec or any other NSAID.

Does drinking plain lemon juice with out water do the same as drinking mixed with water?

Plain lemon juice is a fruit juice, albeit rather acidic like grapefruit juice. It does not count as water. Sucking on lemons can actually deteriorate the enamel of ones teeth. The benefits are very similar to grapefruit juice.

Is ketchup bad for gout?

No there is no connection between gout and tomato's. as a mater of fact a reasonable amount o vegetable is good for gout. Although this may be true for whole tomatoes I have personally had 2 bouts of gout brought on by drinking tomato juice. I have only just confirmed that tomato juice is a cause of gout today with a medical professional. I have never had an attack of gout from eating whole tomatoes, tomato soup or tomato sauce; so it may be something to do with the processing of the tomato juice. Other vegetables (fruits) that are bad for gout are asparagus, mangoes and mushrooms. I later learned from my doctor that the blood pressure medicine I am taking can also cause gout by interacting with different foods, the doctor decided to put me on allopurinol to prevent futher gout attacks.

Is grapefruit juice a solution?

Yes, you can dissolve a solute like sugar in it. The resulting mixture is a solution.

Can you eat Grapefruit whall taking High Blood pressure MEd?

Grapefruit and grapefruit juice interact with a number of medications, including some that are used in treating high blood pressure. The main problem is that chemicals in grapefruit juice cause some medications to be absorbed better than usual by your body, resulting in what is effectively an overdose. This can cause a number of unpleasant and occasionally dangerous symptoms. Also, you should be aware that grapefruit juice chemicals persist in the body for up to 72 hours. You should discuss grapefruit juice interaction possibilities with your doctor, since certain medications are more susceptible than others. At you can read an article published in the medical journal American Family Physician which lists a number of drugs in more-affected and less-affected categories. Of course, an article like this should not take the place of a consultation with your prescribing physician.

Can lemon juice increase stomach acidity?

Lemon juice, and other citrus fruits like lime, grapefruit and orange, are acids. They don't cause acidity so much as add acidity to whatever you put them in.

Is Cranberry juice a citrus fruit?

No. Citric would be like oranges lemons lines grapefruit tangerines etc

What other diseases cause joint swelling like gout?

Rheumatoid arthritis

Can low potassium cause gout?

Eating acidic foods usually cause the gout. Eating foods that are high in purine causes gout. Diuretics like coffee can also cause gout. When you drink a lot of coffee, you go to the bathroom a lot. Going to the bathroom a lot causes the loss of potasium. Being low in potassium could be a part of gout, but it is these other foods that cause the loss of potassium. Bananas, white potatoes and strawberries are very high in potassium. So eat those. Cherry's, sweet or sour are also very good at curing gout.

What is in grapefruit that makes it interact with medicines?

A daily glass of grapefruit juice or half of a grapefruit for breakfast is normally considered a healthy diet choice: that grapefruit delivers vitamin C, fiber, and potassium. However, grapefruit can be dangerous if taken along with certain of the statin class of cholesterol-lowering prescription medicines.Grapefruit and grapefruit juice interact with multiple prescription medicines, and consuming grapefruit while on these medications can be dangerous. In fact, there are many medications that interact with grapefruit, including the cholesterol-lowering statins Zocor (simvastatin), Lipitor (atorvastatin) and Pravachol (pravastatin).Which Medications Interact With Grapefruit?Grapefruit should be avoided (or minimized - best bet is to discuss with your doctor) when taking a surprisingly broad group of medicines. According to the FDA's Grapefruit Juice and Medicine May Not Mix, grapefruit can interfere with certain of the cholesterol-lowering statins as listed above, some blood-pressure medications, some antihistamines, as well as other drug classes.How Does Grapefruit Interact With Prescription Medicines?Essentially, the juice of grapefruit changes the absorption of certain drugs into the bloodstream. Katherine Zeratsky, a Mayo Clinic Nutritionist, explains, "Problems arise because chemicals in the fruit can interfere with the enzymes that break down (metabolize) the medication in your digestive system. As a result, the medication may stay in your body for too short or too long a time. A medication that's broken down too quickly won't have time to work. On the other hand, a medication that stays in the body too long can increase to potentially dangerous levels, causing serious side effects." For statins in particular, grapefruit juice increases the level of statin in the blood, to a potentially dangerous level.What If I Take My Prescription Hours After Eating Grapefruit?Though eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice hours before or after taking a prescription medicine seems a good strategy, it is not. Shiew Mei Huang, acting director of the Food and Drug Administration's Office of Clinical Pharmacology, explains, "Drinking grapefruit juice several hours before or several hours after you take your medicine may still be dangerous, so it's best to avoid or limit consuming grapefruit juice or fresh grapefruit when taking certain drugs.ConclusionFor those not on prescription medication of any sort, grapefruit and grapefruit juice are a terrific nutritional choice. But if you take any prescription medication - especially statins to lower cholesterol - you should avoid grapefruit and grapefruit juice, or at least discuss with your doctor.Did You Know?Grapefruit juice decreases the effectiveness of allergy medications like Allegra (fexofenadine) by inhibiting the absorption of the drug itself. It may be less effective with apple and orange juice as well, so the fexofenadine label states "do not take with fruit juices."

What is the best juice to mix with ruby red vodka?

Sounds like a Sea Breeze waiting to happen to me! Mix it with grapefruit juice and cranberry juice over ice. Rub the glass rim with a lime wedge and use the wedge as garnish.

When eaten in the same meal what foods enhance the absorption of iron in legumes?

When you eat foods that contain more vitamin C - like those below, you will increase the body's absorption of iron from foods. Oranges or orange juice Grapefruit or grapefruit juice Tomatoes or tomato juice V8 juice V8 Splash juice Strawberries Cantaloupe Kiwi fruit Green peppers Broccoli Brussels sprouts Cauliflower