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Q: Is one mode of communication is telephone?
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What are the modes of communications?

1. Simplex Mode:- In this mode of communication, only one way communication is possible. Example is radio and television broadcasting.Example is radio and television broadcasting. 2. [ Duplex:- Half-Duplex: In this mode of communication, two-way communication is possible but one at a time. If there is a location A and B so we can send data from A to B or from B to A but one at a time. Example is walkie-talkie or Push-to-Talk. 3.Full-Duplex: In this mode of communication, two-way communication is possible in both directions simultaneously . It means data can be sent from A to B and from B to A at same time. Example is Telephone/Mobile Communication. ]

Introduction of telephone communication?

Telephone communication was introduced by Gram bell.

Are radio phones the same as mobile phones?

A radio phone or radio telephone is typically a simplex mode of communication system, which allows one person to talk and the other to listen alternately. A mobile phone uses duplex mode which allows both users to talk and listen simultaneously.

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Why is satellite telephone service best for one-way communication?

i dont freaking know

What ensures that communication will be timely and efficient?

If one need to know that their mode of communication is effective the wait for an reply from the receiver. If one want to know that if is it timely then compare it other modes of communication.

What is t coil mode?

it is mode on telephone to help aid the hearing impaired

What communication device allows us to communicate long distances via telephone?

The telephone IS a long distance communication device.

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What are simplex transmission mode examples?

One way communication Eg: TV,Radio

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